Includes hand painted highlights, toner and blow dry
Includes hand painted highlights, toner and blow dry
Includes full head highlights, toner and blow dry
Includes partial highlights, toner and blow dry
Includes 10-15 highlights, toner and blow dry
Includes root touch up, partial highlight and blow dry
Includes root touch up, 10-15 foils and blow dry
Includes root touch up and blow dry
Includes full head color and blow dry
Add a toner on to any service that does not include one
Add this service on to any color service
Includes shampoo, scalp massage and blow dry
Includes shampoo, scalp massage and style
Girls age 12-18. Includes shampoo, scalp massage and blow dry.
Boys age 12-18. Includes shampoo, scalp massage and blow dry.
Girls & boys age 11 & under. Includes shampoo, scalp massage and blow dry.
Add an olaplex treatment on to any service
Includes olaplex treatment, shampoo and blow dry
Includes brow, lip and chin wax
Refresh your blonde or your color with a toning service. Includes shampoo & blow dry.